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Khabar Dabali ५ आश्विन २०८१ शनिबार | 21st September, 2024 Sat

Esewa Money Transfer partners with Singapore-based to facilitate remittance services for Nepalese migrants and their families.

खबरडबली संवाददाता

Kathmandu, June 19, 2023: Esewa Money Transfer, a digital first remittance company under F1soft Group, which has been providing remittance services to Nepal from more than 200 countries across the world has entered into an agreement with Lulu Money, a leading remittance company based in Singapore.

Amid a special ceremony, the agreement was officially signed by Mr. Daniel D Shrestha, Group Strategy Director of F1Soft Group and Director of Esewa Money Transfer on behalf of Esewa Money Transfer and Mr. Richard M Wason, CEO of LuLu Financial Holdings, on behalf of Lulu Money. This partnership between Esewa Money Transfer and LuLu Money aims to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of remittance services. Through this agreement, Lulu Money will be leveraging the extensive network of Esewa ecosystem in Nepal.

With this, Nepalese working abroad can send remittances to Nepal by reaching out to physical locations across various source countriesof Lulu Money. In addition to that, the senders can also usedigital mediums i.e.,website and mobile app of Lulu Moneyto send remittances to Nepal. This partnership will build upon existing capabilities to smoothen money transfer for numerous Nepali expats living outside Nepal, while setting the groundwork for the subsequent incorporation of this service in various other parts of the world where Lulu Money have presence.

Meanwhile, the beneficiariesin Nepal can receive remittances from more than 13,800+ dedicated remit agents, 100,000+ cash pick-up enabledwallet agent locations of Esewa Money Transfer, majorbanks, financial institutions,along with their branches anddirectly in beneficiaries’eSewa wallet. Thesenders can send remittances directly to any bank account or eSewa wallet from Lulu money. The beneficiaries can also receive Rs. 77 instant bonus upon receiving remittance in their eSewa wallet.

Speaking during the occasion, CEO of Esewa Money Transfer, Mr. AjeshKoirala said, “We are delighted to partner with Lulu Money as our new remittance partner. With this agreement, we hope to connect more Nepalese expats working abroad to their families in Nepal and promote digital and formal remittance channels”.

Expressing her delight on the partnership, Ms. Patricia Chua, Executive Director of LuluMoney Singapore, mentioned , “ We are delighted to partner with Esewa Money Transfer and enable the remittance services in Nepal through the well-established fintech ecosystem of F1 Soft Group”

About EsewaMoney Transfer:

Esewa Money Transfer is the leading digital remittance company in Nepal that offers a blended model of world-class remittance services to Nepalese around the world. The service offerings are comprised of more than 13,800 dedicated remit agents, 100,000+ cash pick-up enabled wallet agent locations of Esewa Money Transfer, major banks, financial institutions, and their branches. Also, with access to 7.5 million+ eSewa mobile wallet users and any bank & financial institutions, where sending and receiving money is as easy as giving a few taps on a mobile phone. Incorporated in the year 2019 and licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank under foreign exchange regulation, eSewa Money Transfer is a part of F1soft Group that has been empowering more than 16 million population and 100,000 entities across the country through innovative fintech-based payment services.

About Lulu Money:

Lulu Money is one of the leading names in the global remittance fraternity and is renowned for its reliability and safety of transactions. The company is recognized globally for its efficient and secure money transfer services, which have helped millions of people across the world to send and receive money quickly and conveniently.

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