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Khabar Dabali २६ पुष २०८१ शुक्रबार | 10th January, 2025 Fri
Investment bank

Framework of post-quake reconstruction after study

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खबरडबली संवाददाता

Kathmandu, Jan 20: The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) has said that the framework for reconstruction in the earthquake affected areas will be decided only after studying the situation of the earthquake survivors and collecting suggestions.
NDRRMA chief executive officer Anil Pokharel said that the reconstruction will be carried out based on on-site study and suggestions from the quake survivors. Accordingly, on-site monitoring and collection of suggestions have been started. 
A team led by CEO Pokharel has reached the quake-affected areas and has started studying the situation since Friday. The team has been carrying out the study in Karnali. The team will reach Rukum West today and Jajarkot on Sunday to interact with the survivors and seek their suggestions.
Currently, the construction of temporary houses for the the earthquake survivors is underway. 
CEO Pokharel said that after reaching the affected areas of both the districts a province-level discussion will be held in the capital Surkhet to reach to a conclusion.
The head of private housing and reconstruction unit of NDRRMA Prakashchandra Adhikari said that the team was deployed to get information about what kind of work is being done in the field and what are the complaints towards that end.
According to the information received from the NDRRMA, the beneficiaries of the Jajarkot earthquake have exceeded 79,000 so far. 
Meanwhile, construction of 24,000 temporary housing units has been completed. Grant agreements have been reached with 50,000 families and 10,000 houses are under-construction.

Khabardabali Desk–MB

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