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Khabar Dabali १९ आश्विन २०८१ शनिबार | 5th October, 2024 Sat
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"Diverse Dimensions Unveiled: TEDx Maitighar Inspires with Powerful Stories"

खबरडबली संवाददाता

Kathmandu, Nepal - June 29, 2024 - TEDx Maitighar, an officially licensed TED event, successfully completed its fourth iteration at the Loyola Campus of St. Xavier's College, Kathmandu. This year’s theme, "Diverse Dimensions: A Kindred Kaleidoscope," inspired attendees to promote a more inclusive and interconnected society by embracing a diverse array of perspectives through shared individual stories.

The theme encapsulated the essence of embracing the multifaceted aspects of life—intellectual, emotional, cultural, and societal—while recognizing the unity that binds us all. The event featured a diverse lineup of eight esteemed speakers and they were Photo journalist Skanda Gautam, CEO of reAlpha Giri Devanaur, Marketing Director of InDrive Natalia Makarenko, Founder of The Great Nepali Diaspora Preeti Adhikary, the reigning Miss Nepal World Srichchha Pradhan, Former member of the House of Representatives Ram Kumari Jhakri, spiritual teacher Rupeshwor Gaur Das and Social Impact Manager at EsewaSulav Raj Bhatta. 

Each speaker delivered compelling talks that resonated with the theme. Skanda Gautam shared his professional journey and the emotional challenges faced by photojournalists. Natalia Makarenko highlighted the transformative power of purpose in the business world, while Preeti Adhikary discussed networking best practices. Giri Devanaur shared his formula for success, and the rest of the speakers provided insights that connected deeply with the audience.

In addition to the inspiring talks, the event featured three captivating performances, including a musical performance by Kuma Sagar and The Khwopaa Band, a classical dance by Aesthetic Dance Studio, and a drama performance by Mokshada Theatre.

Following the success of previous editions in 2019, 2021, and 2023, TEDx Maitighar 2024 continued to showcase inspiring speakers and impactful talks. The event reaffirmed its commitment to exploring and sharing worthwhile ideas within the local community.

This year, TEDx Maitighar continued to inspire participants to embrace unity amidst diversity, promoting a more inclusive and interconnected society. Through shared stories and profound insights, the event aimed to nurture individual transformation and societal progress.



Khabardabali Desk–MB

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