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Khabar Dabali ९ कार्तिक २०८१ शुक्रबार | 25th October, 2024 Fri
Investment bank

Global IME Bank Signs MOU with ICICI Bank Canada to Facilitate Seamless Banking for Nepali immigrants moving to Canada

खबरडबली संवाददाता

October 23, 2024. Global IME Bank Limited and ICICI Bank Canada have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to streamline banking services for Nepali immigrants moving to Canada. The partnership, solidified in a ceremony held in Kathmandu on Friday, aims to support newcomers, including permanent residents, work permit holders, and students, through ICICI Bank Canada’s ‘Hello Canada’ programme.

This collaboration will provide comprehensive, digital, and hassle-free Canadian banking solutions to clients of Global IME Bank. The ‘Hello Canada’ programme will assist in a seamless transition by allowing newcomers to set up essential banking services before their arrival in Canada.

Through the programme, Nepali newcomers can open Canadian banking accounts online, remit funds, facilitate bill payments, issue cheques, and create term deposits, among other services.

This MOU enhances the banking experience by offering tailored products and services that will benefit Nepalese individuals as they embark on new lives in Canada.

Highlighting the importance of the collaboration, Surendra Raj Regmi, Chief Executive Officer of Global IME Bank, remarked, “Canada plays a pivotal role globally in education, employment, and migration. This partnership offers a critical platform to streamline banking services for Nepali students and migrants, easing their financial integration upon arrival in Canada. This agreement marks a significant step in strengthening financial ties between Nepal and the international banking community.”

On this collaboration, Himadar Madddipatla - Business Head ICICI Bank Canada, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership. Mr. Madddipatla, remarked, “Over the years, Canada has become a preferred destination for international students and newcomers. Through our subsidiary in Canada, we are excited to support Global IME Bank’s clients with 360-degree banking solutions, ensuring that students and newcomers can easily access our wide range of products and services before and after their arrival in Canada.”

This strategic tie-up between Global IME Bank and ICICI Bank Canada also strengthens cross-border remittance solutions, offering greater awareness of financial products between the two countries.

About Global IME Bank Ltd.
Global IME Bank Ltd. is a leading commercial bank in Nepal with a presence in every district of the country. Serving larger number of customers through its 1,100+ service centers, including 354 branch offices and 384 ATMs, the bank is committed to providing a full range of banking services. With representative offices in London, Sydney and New Delhi, Global IME Bank also plays a critical role in bringing remittances from over 60 countries to support Nepal’s economy.

About ICICI Bank Canada
ICICI Bank Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ICICI Bank Limited, operates as a full-service direct bank under Canada’s Bank Act. Celebrating 20 years of service in Canada, the bank offers a diverse range of personal and business banking products, including newcomer banking accounts, mortgages, business FX, and more.

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